Grimburg, Salomon. Frida Kahlo. New York: Barnes and Noble, 1997
Herrera, Hayden. Frida: A Biography of Frida Kahlo. New York: Harper & Row, 1983.
Kahlo, Frida. (introduction by Carlos Fuentes). The Diary of Frida Kahlo: An Intimate Self-Portrait. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 1995
Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Mexican Masterpieces of the Twentieth Century. 1997
Rivera, Diego. My Art, My Life: an Autobiography. New York: Citadel.
Sotheby's. Mexican Paintings and Drawings: from the IBM International Foundation. New York. Wednesday, May 17, 1995
Zamora, Martha. Frida Kahlo: The Brish of Anguish. Chronicle Books, 1990
In order to create this site, I scanned in pictures from books- usually I just went for the best printing quality of each picture I could find. The Pictures are mostly scanned from "Frida Kahlo: the Brush of Anguish" and "Frida Kahlo" by Grimburg. The pictures from the Diary Section are, of corse, scanned the reprint of her diary.
Frida's Biography is taken from the LACMA exhibit, which I did actually see. It was the only thing I could find in both English and Spanish.
Some of the sources listed here are not directly used in the website, but I read them all in preparation for the website.
Your feedback would be greatly appreciated- tell me what works and what doesn't, and what else you'd like to see here.
This Page is not yet complete. Future Plans include a timeline and a bibliography written by me, as well as better scans on some of the pictures.
-Karin (nirak4711@hotmail.com)
PS- If you want to order any of the books listed here, you can find them by visiting your nearest bookstores and giving them the ISBN Numbers- listed below.
If you find and out of print ones, please tell me so I can take them off the List.
- "Frida: A Biograply of Frida Kahlo" by Hayden Herrera
ISBN: 0060118431 (hardcover)
ISBN: 0060911271 (paperback)
- "The Diary of Frida Kahlo"
ISBN: 0747522472 (london)
ISBN: 0810981955
- "Frida Kahlo: the Brush of Anguish" by Martha Zamora
ISBN: 0877017468 (hardcover)
ISBN: 0811804852 (paperback)